Monday, June 2, 2014

The Electronic Iron Ore Trade Concept


The businessplan is based in two interacting functions. Thus incentives are very easy manageable factors and works with the mechanism involved in the whole trade chain network of the iron ore to steel, and to the end buyer. Also, the business is maintained legal concepts in the revenue and the goodwill.

We have during a number of years made calculations of a number of methods that today constitute us to this conclusion, and it has proved the most advanced mathematical calculation have landed in something unique functional and economically efficient. Not only in the factor to this type of commodity and raw material as a business concept, but it is also about qualitative capital measurements seen from a general social and socio-economic perspective in sight from our company, the Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Moreover, in this concept is also the factor that our security mechanism in transparent transactions for this type of trade can gradually contribute to a firm economic growth.

The most general approach to this type of agreement and negotiations, which is exclusively handled by interactive channels and a trade chain in close collaboration is its function in mediation and negotiation processes by means of written or oral agreements for access of iron ore available for demand, as well as the agreement with a steel processing plant for further processing. We carry out these negotiations within a high reputable policy that all in all is on the basis incentives settled in development in mining industry-, and the financial policy structure.

My mission in this means an integrated work in the area of mining development and the financial sector. Thus also constitutes a large part of industrial development elements in the function, and my work is carried out on terms and conditions of the world market. My work in the field of trade in iron ore is a sophisticated insight in this specific area. I work with the world market, and I represent the most consumed commodity in the world.

Roger K. Olsson

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Iron Ore Supply

It is strange how the iron ore trade is constructed in relation to other trade in natural resources. I must say that I am a highly surprised by the strict line that mining companies have had for a commercial structure to maintain the established market for many successful years. It is almost a unique business model with relationships that are deeply incorporated in the trade structure right through every stage. It is thus one of the most enriching knowledge that I have gained from my work in the development of trade relations in the world, and it is thus relatively easy to understand the inner meaning of the long-term trade relations and close cooperation when one understands the enormous capital investment that is behind a mining development project. In fact, so is the iron ore trade as everything else about demand and supply. With that is that when I have a working production then I have also that trust which is essentially needed to smelters to invest in what I can offer, at the right quality (for example, 67% magnetite), quantity, and price quotation. To a large extent, so is the iron ore trade on negotiations and agreements to contracts for the mine's production capacity. In the process of quality rate establishment for an iron ore concentrate, so there is several steps of tests of the iron ore grade and quality and the concentrate must undergo accredited tests before the iron ore samples can be sent to contractual smelters or steel mills for the manufacturing of steel for testing and quality of the produced steel. Upon that the established trade organization has its mission to both negotiate agreements with smelters and steel mills in strategically selected geographical structures and models for the entirety of the marketing chain. These sellers have also their mission to create the conditions for the steel industry to channel out produced steel where required. With that is that a seller should always carry a responsiveness to demand for quantities of steel, and that where it is possible to advocate for an overall positive development for the steel industry. The main consumer of steel is today the industry and the governments with the funds allocated for public infrastructure investments. Accordingly, a public infrastructure projects such as railway projects with related industry is always to us considered as important in our work. There is a variety of iron products that we get out of iron ore raw material.

To mention some fundamental industrial products such as, railway tracks, locomotives, ship, steel beams, steel profiles, steel, machinery, tools, vehicles, wires, etc.. These constitute an increasingly more important role in today's society and developments in the world economy. Despite the history so has the postwar period just after the end of World War II constituted the largest economic development. The industrialization and development of industrial society was at that time quite different from what the world is facing today and it is a naturally induced degree else today. As the world market face different challenges today than it did at the end of WWII, we have a constant renewal and development of industry and infrastructure today and that's where we set the degree of development. It is where demand for iron ore and steel production are available for new mining establishments. In practice, the upcoming mining development in Norway means a frequent work and a firm performance for businesses to jointly establish the new level of the national production capacity. A national coordination should consequently be initiated to secure the national key exports and trade relations with the world to meet the emerging demand. The uniform coordination should lead to a positive function with responsibility for mining communication in the country and abroad. If one thus coordination should be designed through a government mandate or a national mission by industry, I can not answer today! In case it should be noted that the relevant government departments in an initial stage should review the information for a public report. At present, our mission in preparing the storage of iron ore concentrates for test orders to smelters and steel mills and to convey our message of production capacity to partners and an investment-prone capital. This will essentially be continuing in that we systematically seek responsibility in this area. You are also welcome to contact us directly at the following division.
Sales Organization
In practice it means to be traveling in trade business today a diverse employment in many areas of commerce. Described from a perspective of a lifestyle, you can most easily understand the faschination which is the basis for many people's choices with trade businesses. Then when business relationships have been built up in such a stage where one can say that a seller has achieved a harmony in their lifestyle as a seller. Then you have come long and has already established a network of business relationships for a number of years. The advantage is then that as an individual seller can work very individual and based on one's own initiative, and that he or she never operate to plunge into some strange situations in the form of informational meetings with big businesses and thus leaders. At such a stage, negotiations are relatively relaxed discussed with great precision and efficiency. This example is taken from an early spring day in Trondheim a couple of years back in time. I had a period since midwinter worked to get reserved a cargo ship with iron ore concentrates for sale and delivery to a smelter. Just then, I had received response to a campaign where a German smelter had a need for that particular quality and quantity that I could deliver from an already produced iron ore supply. It took me about three days to process a prospectus for my client and after I immediately set up a meeting and prepared for to travel down to him for a presentation of the prospectus. My first action was to take me to the airport in Trondheim and from there I made my way to Oslo, for a slightly later flight to Berlin. After a night in Berlin so I rented a car and took me in the morning and the day to Hamburg to spend the evening at a hotel with a careful review of the prospectus. During the evening I confirmed the meeting time and location with the customer then for a few late-night hours, I could relax and watch satellite channels from the German television before it was time to sleep a revitalizing sleep for the night. Early in the morning, before seven o'clock at the breakfast at the hotel, it had begun to teem with life and movement, and I had plenty of time to browse through the morning news with my morning coffee. I step out into a delightful Central European spring for the season and I felt a great calm before meeting with some key figures circulating around the thought process for any kind of repetition between the memory functions in the brain. My cab arrived right on time, and it wore off to an industrial area where the client is based with their headquarter. I had declared for my client that I was alone without the mission and we had prearranged that it would not be necessary to set up any extra formal with a delegation in this stage without that we would not for the purpose of having more than to go through the present facts that I myself compiled and soon were going to present to the management team within the steel group in question and also for us a brand new potential customer. I arrived a magnificent head office in one of Hamburg's suburbs and at the entrance so it was in addition to a group of people a proper businessman. After a pretentious analysis of the events for incoming visitors so he had figured out it was me who just arrived in the cab which he immediately meet me up and asks if I had a business meeting booked with the management at the time of about twenty minutes. I confirmed cheerfully and would be shown up to the meeting. As we walked to the elevator, I thought frequently of the two options I had for my expenses in the prospectus of which one was a short speech by grounding in basic graphic treaty and the other which represented more a factual explanation. Up in the long hallway on the fourth floor, it had begun to gather people with portfolios discussing in small groups along the corridor to an open double door. My host to the meeting room went away and soon he came back to me, soon after him came the CEO of the company. We introduced each other and we discussed the time allocated for the meeting and I confirmed that the timeframe was in line with what I appreciated for my performance. The director gathered all the participants to the meeting room and we sat for a long while before the introductory lecture and spontaneous talked about the nice weather. A purchasing manager for the company commencing his lecture with a warm welcome and then a detailed presentation about the present why we now sat here assembled for the eventuality of collaboration. It was obvious to me that this company was in a very strong growth in the coming years and that they were facing a demand from a range of major established operations in turn. So when I went up to begin with a short talk about my personal strengths and positive impression of the company, the management and this opportunity so it was short after time to present all the facts as correctly so that it always could be confirmed by an expertise in the field among audience. After an hour or so remains no more to me than structured information about the conditions that rested on us at home in Norway and how we in the best possible way could come to a good cooperation. I also submitted on behalf of the company a formal invitation to for that a customer selected delegation was warmly welcome to visit the mine production where iron ore was produced. Then took the CEO for the smelter word and announced the company's attitude and benevolence to a long term partnership for the areas that would require an upgrade of the purchase of iron ore concentrates. The CEO also made a careful statement based on the new perspective with directly relevant facts from my information and performance. In a number of short supplementary statements for confirmation in the measurement of quality and quantity was argued on the basis of a collective expertise a number of new approaches in process and soon after a short coffee break we were then entered into a new phase of negotiations. This second part of the meeting involved that it previously had encountered failure in the quality level and that it could occur and it had been found on several occasions that even before our time, there were serious quality defects in raw material after purchasing and production obstacles had arisen at the company. How are we going to manage these problems in quality so thus are anticipated and prevented from happening and affect production? It is not least for our production with a great accuracy to obtain what we promise! - One of the best solutions which obviously been a problem, we have already taken into account in the various reloading moments before shipment takes place with great confidence for the system so that quality requirement of iron ore purity levels can be maintained through the processes until the steel mill's furnace. The meeting makes a break for lunch and when we then resumes the meeting and again touched price pictures and process management solutions that comprise much of a focus on efficient and flexible solutions that are proven and work long-term and relatively flawlessly for long periods and even during strenuous wintertime. Infrastructure requirement is on the paper met after many revisions during the meeting and during a late evening hour so we decide based on the management's proposal to adjourn the meeting until the next day for meet the protocol's all points completed. The evening ends with a dinner and a long walk for a summary of the day. The second conference day begins early in the morning and expected to be completed untill lunch. Before the meeting ends so we have to made ​​the decision for a delegation to visit the mine and possibly after a physically sight of iron ore supply and its quality decide on an order of iron ore from Norway. Also a preliminary delivery date is determined and an agreement on the next order is made after the first delivery is completed in its entirety. It is estimated that this meeting will lead to a delivery every third month for just this specific facility for steel production and processing. After a very hospitable welcome and a decisive meeting so have a brand new business relationship been created and I can contentedly same evening after the meeting concludes begin my journey back to Berlin. I now have three days to get here in Berlin to connect me interactively against our own database and then to establish a basis for the second mission on my journey here in Germany for now. I shall namely for a few days too travel around to a few companies for a quick introduction and a non formal information regarding the situation in the development of some of the future potential customers. At the end of the week I can then return home to Trondheim and Norway.

Roger K. Olsson






Sunday, May 4, 2014

Contracts and Procurement Information for Suppliers / Current Tenders

Magnetite Iron Ore Fines 63%

Correspondence 2014-05-04.

Magnetite Iron Ore Supply Contract Available for Procurement (Information from Giuelith Timantti). Magnetite Iron Ore Fines 63%, rejection 61% fines size 10-50. Inquiry for SCO CIF Middle East. Origin Middle East. Supply capacity 300,000 MT / Month.


Friday, May 2, 2014

Information, Advice and Services to International Businesses

It has been a very tough year for the Japanese and Russian stock exchange during a period which has begun to feel assumes abundant and which led to these markets now looking for firm growth to implement reforms. This is done at the same time as the great reform within the Chinese financial markets have begun to give judgment in incentives of a higher degree in the market economy. As we have seen, there are variables that indicates the relationship between the oil price and iron ore price on the world market. In market inefficiencies, which explains outcomes when something other than the expected happens when it is changes in these. In this respect, we can say that our investment projects consists of a series of context for firm economic factors. These investments will be affected is therefore not particularly of neoclassical irrational markets in the same way and still aspires an "idealized version of perfect competition". However, anyway from my perspective so it takes time for the Chinese reform to install themselves in the demanding development where foreign investments is a catalysis in national infrastructure developments moving forward in a sound progress.


Giuelith Timantti Ltd.

Roger K. Olsson

Friday, April 25, 2014

Myanmar Investment Commission Permit - MIC Permit


Infrastructure Investments in the Foreign Investment Plan

One kind of a most interesting developments of our time is the opening of a new financial market. Why is this development more trigging than anything else? I think it is the macro-economic growth, emerging market trend in Southeast Asia, bilateral reforms, and most of all I think the important incentive in this development is the organizational ability for the accessibility to the global growth prone resources. There are foreign investors that are seeking to broaden their operations and strengthening their competitiveness through investments out of sometimes unless slowdown markets and doing so through investments in safe and fast growth opportunities. I am saying that the development happening in Myanmar is one kind of most interesting developments of our time. However, in this state of the development it may be important for managing risk by broaden the information about the Myanmar Investment Commission Permit, the MIC Permit. For our own part, it is most just now to identify and develop the platform for our project and for our investment in Burma/Myanmar. We must also work toward more long-term business intelligence against the market.


The Myanmar Investment Guide

Domestic and Foreign Myanmar


Market Research in Myanmar


Myanmar Focused Equities Index


Domestic and Foreign Myanmar

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bulk Trading of Metallurgical Products


We have set out price lists for iron ore magnetite and hematite iron ore in the respective category. Price lists are available online on the database. If you do not have access to the price lists or access to our database and we ask you to send a request for current iron ore prices with specification according to the specification at:

Current iron ore prices on magnetite and hematite can be ordered directly via email.

Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Co. United Kingdom
Stron House 100 Pall Mall
SW1Y 5EA London, UK
VAT: 07371355
Roger K. Olsson
Official website:

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Iron Ore Contracting - Universal Language

I will think of some optimal interactive negotiation within contracting of iron ore in this letter concerning safety aspects and risk management. Early in the beginning of this millenium so I studied dissertations from central banks' system for e-money. There are hence very good and functional structures in research on e-money which we have implemented in our system for interactive iron ore supply contracting. I intend to maintain the research for e-money as the basis for the implementation of a new interactive procurement and contracting function as exemplary structurally in a effective work for iron ore supply contracting without more deepen me in financial market practices and mechanisms for fiscal risk management in any form of constituting generalized doubt. As we have mentioned earlier, is of a significant nature to keep a structural work on a high level, but still make it easy. It is that which relates to a structural functionality through the process.

In order to reflect a few growth markets to the next time, so we have started the progress. So if we assume that the meaning of this is to take into account that a most important area, so let us affirm developments with great confidence to low cost high-grade iron ore Qingdao, China and Rotterdam, Netherlands Iron ore Port as fundamentally important outposts for a more general perspective to economic development.

The largest consumer of seaborne iron ore is China, and so is China the world's largest consumer of iron ore followed by many industrializing economies. China is also the world’s leading producer of iron ore, however, they have not enough domestic supply to meet its domestic needs. So the country is also the largest importer of iron ore, followed by Japan and Europe, which represents an limited regional supply. The main seaborne iron ore comes from Australia, Brazil, India, and South Africa. The countries that are major producers of iron ore in the world are China, Brazil, Australia, India, Russia, Canada and USA.



Roger K. Olsson

Friday, April 18, 2014

Differences between Money Markets (Money Market Funds) and Mutual Funds

For issuance of a Government-, and/or Corporate Tax-Exempt Bond you have to keep in line with a systematic work for the settlement process as follows. You may after the settlement go ahead with information to the International Securities Fund Associations and/or Securities Dealers Associations. Also, information to the Mutual Fund Associations is necessary in this state of the development. Let the Central Bank do the information if you better prefer that. There might be some information from the Securities Associations that will lead you into an long and a very real and immersive time handeling it yourself. The information may be activate as Information concerning priority developments about the issuance to their network and there will be interests among institutional investors to participate in the development. Public infrasturcture bonds are often assumed as corporate bonds in the settlement but Government Tax-Exempt Bond Fund are better suit for large target development projects for the long-term.

Mining Communication: Nikkei Asian Review

Monday, April 14, 2014

Nikkei Asian Review

Nikkei Asian Review

Information to the International Trade Chain 2014-04-14


We have received a considerable range of a current perspective to the world market in this area. Up to the present day, we have also dealt with many geographical areas with the current supply and demand within our mandate. According to information to the global market economy, we have thus reference from the macro economic growth and this in relation to trade-roof or barriers to trade can we therefore today little say about. Our main focus is on the intended regional areas as our commitment within the respective trade chain is about and thus will our relationship to the global trade to pour out in optimal and competitive areas for trade with minerals, metals, commodities and iron ore. The focus must be placed in conjunction for the balance in times of difficulties for economic sustainability of the regional units. It can be concluded that market analyzes gives clear indications on the development of the economy. Scheduled contracts to be accompaind for the accountability to the demand today may concern production of 100,000 MT / month x 12 months of Hematite Iron Ore 55% fines. Our top priority is competitiveness in quality and price. With more than well-organized mechanisms than in the past for global trade we will meet growth in the company and in the regional economy.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Global Economic Outlook Summary

Key question has naturally been about international security after the 9/11 and whether it affects and how it impact the global economy. Global arrangements are important because the price is declining. Bilateral agreements is the problem. Therefore I will emphasise preventing this kind of slowdown. Fiscal stimulation with coordinated policy framework is further to be examined. How a recovery may be syncronized is so far less considered to achieve an effect. Here is to be noticed that there is a risk in coordinated efforts for the individual countries and regional productivity. Also, the state of Japan economy is important, to observe indications on deflation including inflation targeting. This discussion is at this known for the international society in a sense, and to continue with this program. Global demand to some extant can avoid these issues and solve any risk. The new fiscal policy in Japan will work out stability. Moreover, needed vehicle to get sustained growth is about structural reforms implemented while the advanced countries have to recognize that they cannot do business as usual. This is about a core global issue and the responsibility to structural change may concern the speed of a internal structure in the less advanced countries for get access to growth. For the global coordination it is important to pay attention to the commercial competitiveness when coresponding to the issue of foreign companies and employees required for the foreign operations. The gap is about the time in implementing cultural change. The requirement to the national government for higher percentage of the profits from natural resources may not solve this issue in a general policy, but the development of new financial markets.

Public information at:

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Contracts and Procurement Information for Suppliers / Current Tenders

Hematite Iron Ore Lump

Fe content on dry basis: 60%, Reject below 58%. Size: 10-50mm. Price: $34.00 USD (Thirty Four US Dollars) Per Dry Metric Ton.


Hematite Iron Ore Supply Contract

Hematite Iron Ore Lump. Fe content on dry basis: 60%, Reject below 58%. Size: 10-50 mm. Origin: Europé & M-E. Initial SCO 20,000 MT. This information is effective and supply is been confirmed 2014-04-01. More information about structural guidelines for iron ore supply contracting can be viewed at:


Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS)

Copper slag (Fe 40%-47% and Cu 073% - 1.23% ) usually used for Portland Slag Cement, concrete, asphalt coverage, and construction. Ferrous slags (iron silicate) are valuable coproducts of ironmaking and steelmaking, metal smelting and copper slag grit is manufactured of the granulated slag of copper refineries. We do have available quantities of 4.000.000 MT (120,000 MT monthly x 3 years) ready to be shipped, additionally we have 10.000.000 MT. Overall, most of the demand for slag is in large-scale to the public-sector construction projects and fluctuates with levels of construction spending. Crushed stone, sand and gravel are common aggregate substitutes in the construction sector. Certain rock types, as well as silica fume and, especially, fly ash, are alternative cementitious additives in blended cements and concrete. As a cement kiln feed, slags compete with some of the traditional limestone and other raw materials. Because it has a much higher unit value, ground granulated blast furnace slag can be shipped over longer distances. Trade between the UK and all countries. Granulated slag (slag sand) from the manufacture of iron or steel trade tariff can be find here

We take inquiries to requests for SCO.


Magnetite Iron Ore Fines 64%
Magnetite Iron Ore Supply Contract Available for Procurement (Information from Giuelith Timantti).


Magnetite Iron Ore Fines 61%
Magnetite Iron Ore Supply Contract Available for Procurement (Information from Giuelith Timantti).


Gold Dust

The details are as follows:

1. Origin: Ghana
2. Price: US $30,000 per kilo
3. Quality: 22+ carats
4. Purity: 94% Minimum
5. Initial Quantity: 20kg
6. Monthly Qty. 50kg or more


We have urgent requirement for Chromite preferably on a CIF to South East Asia. 10,000 MT per month. Trial: 500 MT Chromite. Cr2O3 38% min. Cr:Fe 2.4:1 min. Size 0 – 10mm (20% max) 10-300mm (80% min).


Magnetite Ore
The inquiry is about a CIF order. The phosphorous must be no more than 0.05 % max. I am waiting for more specific details about the inquiry!


Magnetite Iron ore Fines
Correspondence from China 2014-04-09 Inquiry for 56.5-58% Magnetite Iron ore Fines 10,000 MT. The tariff for iron ore up to 64% is 2601 11 00. Anyone who would like me to set up an SCO, CIF or FOB offer?



Giuelith Timantti Ltd. supply chain in the domestic and global economy. An important purpose of the Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Company and Iron Ore Division is to provide optimal conditions to manufacturers and producers need to be able to move products and goods securely, quickly, and efficiently within our borders. The goal of the Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Company is to compose 40 senior-level private-sector supply chain experts to governmental coordination factors that affect raw material supply chain activities, efficient domestic and international movement of goods, and the domestic and international market. Leaders in their fields of expertise are representative for supply chain, industries, firms, associations, stakeholders, community organizations, and infrastructure capacity.

There is growing interest in the mining, oil and gas industries in enhancing the opportunities for locally-based businesses to participate in resource projects. This information provides an comprehensive source of information to complement the global steelmarket.

Bilateral Analysis


I am a little confused over the outcome of an analytical nature, to a targeted five-year period and coherence after every sixth month or two times per year. Implement bilateral programs only in the most critical areas of support for the macroeconomic growth and shape a progress during a five-year period.

Unilaterally Assumed Mineral Resources Revenues and National Demand

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bilateral Transformation of Development

Mining Services Information 2014-04-09

British Emabassy in Manila - Strengthening governance and institutions

Rio de Janeiro City , BrazilAnd perhaps one of the most significant new opportunities in the world today is the tax incentives in Puerto Rico. Today you basically pay a 4% effective tax rate, that situation is quite appealing for Americans who own businesses because the way they have reformed their tax law is very favorable to businesses that are generating their income out of Puerto Rico.

تهران Tehrān, Iran
In Iran bilateral progress with Azerbaijan is made public to that their third paper was signed between the two countries for urban development and road construction. It was inked by Azerbaijani Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources and Iran’s Minister of Roads and Urban Development according to

IRICA announced that during the past 11 months of current Iranian year some goods worthy of 37 billion and 363 million dollars have been exported from the country which declined as 1.52 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. The weight of non-oil exports reached 83 million and 293 thousand tons which increased as 15.73 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. Based on this report, Iron ore worthy of 1 billion and 258 million dollars were among the main export items during this period.

Beijing, China

According to China Customs statistics, in 2013, China imported 16.609 million tons of manganese ore, up 34.5% from the previous year, the highest annual import volume; worth US$3.19 billion, up 46% year-on-year; at the import price of US$192.2 per ton, up 8.6% year-on-year.

Washington, DC, U.S.A.
U.S. foreign press according to the bilateral progress

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Integrating Bilateral Trade Chain in Iron Ore Business

Tromsø 2014-04-08

Potential projects can be identified among project planning firms begining here in Europe and in the Middle-East, Saudi Arabia for an initial outsourcing. Also, we have urgent requirement for chromite preferably on a CIF to South East Asia. 10.000 MT per month. Trial: 500 MT Chromite. Cr 2O3 38% min. Cr:Fe 2.4:1 min. Size 0 – 10mm (20% max) 10-300mm (80% min). Searching for offered chromite ore in India and Pakistan. We do have an inquiry today for manganese with phoshorous 0.05 max, for a CIF order inquiry. Moreover, today an inquiry for gold dust + 22 (10.41) need to be further specified in detail before we continue on those details. At least, performance in the commodities trade and specific references to iron ore today. We do have accountability for the information if you send in a current report on the availability if you come across a supply with a 2 % performance bond. Requests for supply contracts is usually on monthly basis and can be about demand that can extend over several years. Just composition in quality can sometimes be difficult in some cases and many times it is only the best that is counted in production and it is mainly the most valued. Some days supply matches perfectly and almost completely painless, other days look hopelessly out to get the right quality, most of the days are seen out of a regular emerging market as usual. Specialized pipes offers, seamless welded stainless steel pipes, galvanized steel pipes and carbon steel pipes we have got in today for the offshore oil pipeline industry and natural gas industry in any cases. I might be able to put the pipes online for a searchable stock at the European industries resources


Monday, April 7, 2014

Hematite Iron Ore Supply Contract

Hematite Iron Ore Lump. Fe content on dry basis: 60%, Reject below 58%. Size: 10-50 mm. Origin: Europé & M-E. Initial SCO 20,000 MT. This information is effective and supply is been confirmed 2014-04-01. More information about structural guidelines for iron ore supply contracting can be viewed at:

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS)


Copper slag (Fe 40%-47% and Cu 073% - 1.23% ) usually used for Portland Slag Cement, concrete, asphalt coverage, and construction. Ferrous slags (iron silicate) are valuable coproducts of ironmaking and steelmaking, metal smelting and copper slag grit is manufactured of the granulated slag of copper refineries. We do have available quantities of 4.000.000 MT (120,000 MT monthly x 3 years) ready to be shipped, additionally we have 10.000.000 MT. Overall, most of the demand for slag is in large-scale to the public-sector construction projects and fluctuates with levels of construction spending. Crushed stone, sand and gravel are common aggregate substitutes in the construction sector. Certain rock types, as well as silica fume and, especially, fly ash, are alternative cementitious additives in blended cements and concrete. As a cement kiln feed, slags compete with some of the traditional limestone and other raw materials. Because it has a much higher unit value, ground granulated blast furnace slag can be shipped over longer distances. Trade between the UK and all countries. Granulated slag (slag sand) from the manufacture of iron or steel trade tariff can be find here


We take inquiries to requests for SCO.


Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Co. United Kingdom

Stron House 100 Pall Mall

SW1Y 5EA London, UK

VAT: 07371355


Roger K. Olsson


Official website:

Iron Ore Supply Contract Helpdesk and Correspondence With Us

Giuelith Timantti Limited (Ltd). Metal Trading Co. United Kingdom is the registered subsidiary of Giuen Invest Management Offshore Limited Group of Corporations.

You can use our email for dialog within the framework of interactive contracting, negotiations, mediation, suggestions, complaints, and feedback. This email address is used on a daily basis for the purposes of communication concerning contracting of iron ore supply contracts for a cost-effective solution to initial contract negotiations. All email correspondence to or alternatively or are treated within the policy framework for Public Information (PI) during our Public Private Partnership policy (PPP) of Giuen Invest Management Offshore Ltd. (GMOL), London, United Kingdom. If you have any objections or issues around contracting and instead choose to contact us by phone so it is good to call our helpdesk which is registered under a Norwegian telephone service provider (Telenor Norge) in a Swedish subsidiary. Telephone Helpdesk for Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Company or contract inquiries regarding iron ore supply contracting, Helpdesk. Call/dial: 0046705474830.
These are cost-effective services for our international operations, as well as effective tools in our work internationally.

More information about structural guidelines for iron ore supply contracting can be viewed at: or other resources related to the Giuelith Timantti Ltd. online.

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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Inbound Logistics


If we look at three present supplies with the most significant quantities today. It is about three nations. If we were to go with a regional targeted marketing. What impact would there be? We would probably affect steel production in a positive manner by that we contribute to a more integrated collaboration in the area and nationally. But if a seaborne iron ore supply contract are of the nature that it is already foreseen for export then it be an incentive to start a campaign and collaborations in neighboring regions and nations. Based on the principle that we achieve a significantly greater capacity and efficiency in our effort of capital and human resources for contractural areas. In most cases, it is about supplies of non-contracted quantities in production and so it is always best to start a campaign work regionally and nationally in the cases where there is not already an existing demand. But supplies stated seaborne, we assume that the production is for export. This is what you can commit yourself to the demand.


There is growing interest in the mining, oil and gas industries in enhancing the opportunities for locally-based businesses to participate in resource projects. This information provides an comprehensive source of information to complement the global steelmarket.

International Supply Chains


Giuelith Timnatti Ltd. supply chain in the domestic and global economy. An important purpose of the Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Company and Iron Ore Division is to provide optimal conditions to manufacturers and producers need to be able to move products and goods securely, quickly, and efficiently within our borders. The goal of the Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Company is to compose 40 senior-level private-sector supply chain experts to governmental coordination factors that affect raw material supply chain activities, efficient domestic and international movement of goods, and the domestic and international market. Leaders in their fields of expertise are representative for supply chain, industries, firms, associations, stakeholders, community organizations, and infrastructure capacity.


There is growing interest in the mining, oil and gas industries in enhancing the opportunities for locally-based businesses to participate in resource projects. This information provides an comprehensive source of information to complement the global steelmarket.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Iron Ore Demand 2014-04-04

I intend to publicly reply to some of the latest questions that I have received regarding our production capacity. It is also understood that these questions arises whether our supply access could be in relation to your demand. We have so far taken into account all of the available resources externally as part of our work and with the philosophy of the company we have today quote everything from small mining operations to the largest in the world. Our factory area is therefore not fixed for just our company of a practical reason just to avoid any misunderstandings in the demand capacity of the metal trading company. We currently work with Iron ore supplies. We are doing so through our own system where we in practice collect all available seaborne supplies of iron ore and connect that with demand. We do negotiations on behalf of serveral different mining companies around the world. We currently have a ready stock of magnetite iron ore ready for shipment to steel plants and smelters in Europe. We have an annual production capacity per iron ore supply contract of over 2.5 million metric tons of low cost high-grade seaborne iron ore for procurement (Dry bulk) for an example. From an overall perspective of the current manufacturing capacity I have no reason to go on other than just to emphasize it to that the system operation makes a match of demand toward access based on production capacity of the current deposit. For example with an insight in this today's access in our database to the raw material so that magnetite iron ore lump and hematite iron ore lump is where we can see a limited number of continents represented. If we search for magnetite and hematite when we get up lump % (2) C, fines % (2) C, pellets % (2) C, concentrates, samples and extracts. The search gives us today access represented from Asia, Pan Asia, Russia, Europe, North America, South America, The Middle-East and Africa. So this would then say some about that a geographical spread of activities may exist globally today. You can also keep in mind that in such a case where an order request has been declined during the process and the estimated supply as was done remains, then it must be reworked after the initial contract incentives for such as a new port for shipping if the contract is a FOB example. Then it becomes a question of whether your needs match the existing asset.

Emerging Markets in Asia and Africa 2014-04-03

Roger K. Olsson CEO Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Iron Ore

We are here to help the development targets in Asia and Africa to more sustainable world economies. We are currently working with iron ore supply contracts for the steel production in a fast growing international trade chain.
International Supply Chains
Giuelith Timnatti Ltd. supply chain in the domestic and global economy. An important purpose of the Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Company and Iron Ore Division is to provide optimal conditions to manufacturers and producers need to be able to move products and goods securely, quickly, and efficiently within our borders. The goal of the Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Company is to compose 40 senior-level private-sector supply chain experts to governmental coordination factors that affect raw material supply chain activities, efficient domestic and international movement of goods, and the domestic and international market. Leaders in their fields of expertise are representative for supply chain, industries, firms, associations, stakeholders, community organizations, and infrastructure capacity.

Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Co. United Kingdom
Giuen Invest Management Ltd. (GMOL)
Stron House 100 Pall Mall
SW1Y 5EA London, UK
VAT: 07371355
Roger K. Olsson

​World Iron Ore Responsible Procurement Policy and procurement processes with steel mills.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hematite Iron Ore Supply Contract

We have at present three deposits of magnetite and hematite iron ore whereby our work today is concentrated on the world iron ore demand. These deposits are thus for us the basis on which we have today for iron ore supply contracting in commitments in characteristic of iron ore supply contract auspices in the formation of the long-term trade chain. Our goal is that these three deposits which is under development will soon be busy for the respective mine's production capacity. But there is still much for us to do before we have reached final agreement. And perhaps most concern us in our dynamic process is mainly our own determination for our organizational and effective work in our daily lives. I speak from a personal experience when I say that it is not always easy solutions behind each individual execution of a contract concluded in these contexts. I have also tried many different models to come to an optimal functioning of economic level in the contract territory. You, who have been with a time can see that it is possible to balance up an extremely satisfactory level for the workloads with the opportunities that surrounds in these contexts of world trade. Today I am applying an nominal value of my capital in the company to over US $200 million. I can imagine that those who are traveling around and contracting with long-term contracts for oil between nations can happen is the category that has the better set in this respect. I mean that there are advantages in trade in existing structures for existing infrastructure for a trade be from point A to point B. Trade for iron ore supply contracts relating to more of an exceptional design work when it becomes a question of channelling in several steps. But I am completely convinced that with our capacity and with a lot of patience so we will not see much of barriers but opportunities. So in this situation so I just want to make you aware of to assess the long-term relationship that you build up in your work out there! Even when an agreement is the end and our part in the task is complete before a new one will take shape somewhere else, we have an extremely large value in the relationships and ties which have been concluded in the community in both wet and dry through sometimes lengthy agreement processes. Finally, in order to be on the bright side with the arrangement that you give you into, contact the nearest authority to determine suitability for a cooperation. It can many times be sufficient to leave them the data if you suspect any irregular. They are likely to be in contact with you and to inform about the situation if it is inappropriate in any way.

Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Co. United Kingdom
Stron House 100 Pall Mall
SW1Y 5EA London, UK
VAT: 07371355
Roger K. Olsson

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Letter to Financial Advisor 2014-04-01

I have during a time followed your advice and I have spent a very long time to update me in the nominal values for the company with a view to the possible indexing. I also make the assessment from the spinal cord when select line for a continuous work for the indexation of the company. My view of the value of a company is based thus in socio-economic and financial values and I have a strong support from the harmony which I find for a positive work and its design in everyday life when I recommend these activities for institutional investors for a long-term and secure asset allocation. I do not want to leave any unmentioned in our work and for our analytic forum but I must draw a limit and i have finally done. I have also listed these companies here below as the most relevant investments in today's economies and I do this by myself spending an extremely large part of my time in knowledge of these companies. With a great transparency and a leadership as the most prominent in their respective economies so for this with the touch on a daily basis which arises here is extremely important to me in my work. Without any hierarchical ranking and regardless of the form or collaboration for contracting projects as these are some of the listed companies that our institutional investors and analysts may take a position on the design of investment.



Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation




The Japan Steel Works, LTD.


Mitsubishi Materials Group




Japan Coal Development Co., Ltd




United States Steel Corporation


Rio Tinto PLC


Vale SA (ADR) Vale Brazil (NYSE:VALE)


Den Norske Bank DNB (OSL)


Asian Development Bank


BHP Billiton Limited


The London Metal Exchange


Swiss America Securities


Satka Steel Plant




Siemens AG




China Coal Energy Company Limited


United Gulf Investment Corporation BSC


Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC).


Mines & Metals Investment Co (MMI)


Iran Copper


The New Industrial Analysis of Deposits




Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Co. United Kingdom
Stron House 100 Pall Mall
SW1Y 5EA London, UK
VAT: 07371355
Roger K. Olsson


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Iron Ore Supply Contracts 2014

Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Company - General Contracting

I have several serious buyers for iron ore both high grade and low grade magnetite and  hematite in the current requests that have come in during the month of March 2014. These are mainly long-term contractural inquiries and nothing about spot trade of low-grade hematite iron ore to smelters in Europe. In our campaign we asked for their demand and so we have said that we can provide a low cost iron ore supply as an alternative to suppliers and iron ore producers with very high total costs for iron ore. We have chosen to provide cost-effective production capacities and contract processes for all main steel producing countries in Europe, Asia, Middle East, India, Australia and North America. We have also managed to establish some really good cooperation with the necessary characteristics for the contracting of iron ore annually. These features of the new and exciting organizational body with expertise in the trading with bulk raw materials such as iron ore, so we apply today an outrageously effective interactive knit functionality in this structure and would love to see that more businessmen are realizing the benefits and apply this with us. We have conducted a series of incredibly cost-effective trade using our database and our involvement in the implementation of contracts. We have seen the opportunity in that using a fast and smooth international identification of inquiry and demand as well as comfort of the organizations and individuals in contract negotiation to implement transparent contracts. We perform a check of the SCO from the information that we get sent to us via email or by call. In most cases, there is all the necessary information, and we can start a contract work. It has been so that we have in some cases applied from our budget US $25,000 in representation for one single customer only. I mention this for all of you who are new to the area or which for us is a new business partner. By the way, our business is mainly about existing forms of collaboration that has been built up with a lot of confidence for many years. Example, we have among our customers the largest public companies in most countries of the world participating in memorandums although many of the representatives individually comes from a rejuvenated generation. We are working for example with almost all nations represented in our database along with excecutive from the Chamber of Commerce for contracts within national guidelines and interests. In the public sector, we have very good relations for trade chains and we are also updating these accomplishments in the private sector and the financial sector in some cases. We are well known among the executive industrialist and If you presume change within your production whether it is about iron ore production or steel production so please let us know about your perspective to whatever action, interaction and long-term cooperation. The world's three largest iron ore producers BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Cia Vale do Rio Doce account for a shared 75% of worldwide seaborne iron ore trade. A global and even national segment of trades in raw materials is significantly more comprehensive when you sort among current iron ore projects around the world. This I once again would like to mention about for the value that an application for a product or request must be completed with all necessary information for us to be able to make a decision on to work on a case. It makes no sense to send in an inquiry or a range of supply if we are unable to confirm the registered information with the relevant authorities. The reason that there are those who have not received a response from us is that we simply could not strength information and thus rejects the request. This is the structure that we work with and it helps us a lot about a request made on the basis of this framework for the "World Iron Ore Responsible Procurement Policy and procurement processes with steel mills."

Giuen Invest Management Ltd. (GMOL)

Stron House 100 Pall Mall
SW1Y 5EA London, UK
VAT: 07371355
Roger K. Olsson

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

CSN China Certification and Inspection Group Shaanxi Co., Ltd.

Whether your products meet client's quality, safety and security requirements or social, environmental and ethical standards, or just to increase your market share? CSN provides those product, process, and system certifications that help you gain the competitive advantage in the diverse markets by showing you have implemented good practice and performance criteria.

CSN obtain international and local qualifications and joined the international organization of inspection, certification, and audit and testing.

The certification process means an independent organization guarantees that your products, services and processes comply with specifications.

African Mine Security Summit

The African Mine Security Summit is all set to commence in 12 days at the Hyatt Regency Johannesburg on 8-9 September 2014 and with only a handful seats remaining before we close registrations, here's a final round up of what the conference has to offer:


A comprehensive program covering unique security issues like

Employee security and risk assessment

Illegal mining activities and organized crimes

Information security

Intelligence led security operations

Installation of security equipment

Theft prevention

Impact of employee theft and dishonesty

Labour unrest and disputes etc


Ample networking opportunities to exchange ideas and business cards with peers from Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton, Vale, De Beers, Vedanta, ENRC, Exxaro, First Quamtum Minerals, Sibanye Gold, Sasol, Glencore, Resolute Mining, B2 Gold and many more.

Whether your products meet client's quality, safety and security requirements or social, environmental and ethical standards, or just to increase your market share? CSN provides those
product, process, and system certifications that help you gain the competitive advantage in the diverse markets by showing you have implemented good practice and performance criteria.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Inquiry for Iron Ore

The Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Company work with supplies of iron ore from world's largest mining operations to the world's largest steel plants around the world. Our main operations in integrating market access for base metals and minerals is been yield to a 60 % of all orders processed on contracturla basis. This means that the iron ore trade division work with all from 1-year to 10-year contracts for iron ore supplies to seaborne iron ore export and the smelting processes and forward to steel production and pig iron production. Today we have two available experts in contracting iron ore supplies based in London, United Kingdom and Qingdao, Shandong, People's Republic of China. Our main operations is been yield strucutres making it a sustainable development to operate worldwide with proceeding agreements for iron ore supplies to steel mills and smelters since 2000. When we first settled our business plan in action we find that there was several important factors in the trade integration on this level that must be more transparent and well organized. Only a few businessmen in trade on contractural leveles actually managed themself to go through the whole process and a huge waist of resources was more a factor in the numbers than the simple well functioning structure in theory shows in calculations. This issue has to to with the clear directive to the employed for contracting supplies. There is a clear lack of engagement for employed to the necessary information involving the whole process shown among the failures. Out of these investigations we could take early actions to solve the problems. We meet up all the good factors in our research and we dismissed distinct unnecessary premoria to find a comfortable solution to a working structure for contracting work in the long run. Therefrom we started to create our database for current knowledge and a second database for supply and demand. This because the basis for contract negotiations in China were in a rash above expectations and has had a sharp upward curve until a year ago when a decline in the demand for steel was a fact. Now, however, we see again in the research trends in the upward direction and we have therefore restored the systematic work for the contracting of all seaborne iron ore exports, and low-grade hematite iron ore mainly from North America and Australia to Europe and Asia. We belive that we today with the experiences will be a bit better prepared and we would not hesitate to say that we today are a world leading company in contractural works. We are already working with huge quantities seen from the production capacities of these areas, on the findings to the contracts, and we estimate that within a few years assisting with our structure in several more areas of metal trading. Today we are talking about the data corresponding to about 40 MT low-grade seaborne iron ore from North America for export to Asia on a yearly basis. This is, after all, not some overwhelming large numbers in these contexts even then it is more solid numbers than it may have been to a lot for single world trade companies in the iron ore contracting. However, to date the perfect ability of the stakeholders investments we have still two available experts for process order inquiries with available supplies. We can therefore continue to integrate a marketshare with the above mentioned resources.


Roger K. Olsson


Giuen Invest Management Ltd. (GMOL)
Stron House 100 Pall Mall
SW1Y 5EA London, UK
VAT: 07371355
Roger K. Olsson

World Iron Ore responsible procurement policy and procurement processes with steel mills

Friday, March 21, 2014

Procedures for Processing Orders to the stockpile of 3 MT Hematite Iron Ore

I feel that the established mining companies essentially affirm their interests in terms of existing trade agreements with steel mills. Despite a sometimes uncertain negotiation climate, it in any case made ​​us again a request for signing an available iron ore production corresponding to 3 MT stockpile of 52 % Fe hematite iron ore fines. We will include this FOB in our further work on the establishment of a possible delivery to China, the Qingdao port, Shandong, People's Republic of China. I have started to identify any prospective purchaser among the nearby steel mills. As a reconciliation of the situation in this case we would be done in about two weeks exactly 2014-04-04, from today's date 2014-03-21. We can prepare ourselves to that this order may end up on a completely different destination as well. It is a completely ready stock of iron ore that to advantage in pricing can be matched against the existing proposals. Herein it is aimed that we collect in procedures for processing orders to the stockpile of 3 MT Hematite 52% Iron Ore.


Giuen Invest Management Ltd. (GMOL)

Stron House 100 Pall Mall
SW1Y 5EA London, UK
VAT: 07371355
Roger K. Olsson

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Company

Gold Offered For Sale

Here at Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Company we have a variety of gold for sale. Our gold for sale are high in purity and 100% natural. As of 2014-03-20 our offer including 85 kg gold nuggets and 50 kg gold dust on a monthly quantity (Initial trial order 20 kg). All offered gold nuggets includes high purity gold of 92% origin from Democratic Republic of Congo. The gold nuggets are stored in a safety deposit box with the tracking from the security agency. Our price is US $ 30 per gram for gold nuggets. Our high purity gold dust of 94% origin from Accra-Ghana US $ 30,000 per kilo. The gold have been cleaned, leaving the total weight being of all gold.


We are also looking for buyers to over 5000 karats of diamonds for sale. On diamonds the size for the small is 4 karats and the biggest is 16 karats. Our price for the diamonds is US $ 900 per karats.

All stockpiles of gold and diamonds comes from government licensed prospectors. (Prices are subject to change at anytime without notice due to gold spot fluctuation).



1. My representative/shipper will deliver the gold dust to London -UK where both buyer and my representative will meet.

2. During the meeting, Buyer will examine the gold dust; weigh the
gold dust to ascertain the weight and quantity.

3. Buyer would then take random samples for analysis to verify the
quality and purity of the gold dust.

4. After satisfactory analysis, buyer will make down payment of 30% of the total value to seller's representative.

5. When the payment is done and confirmed, the gold dust will be
handed over to the buyer.

6. The balance of payment will be made into seller's nominated bank
account within 5-7 days after buyer has refined the gold dust.

7. Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) will be signed between buyer and seller before the gold dust is delivered.

Pure Gold Supplier:

Gold purity is one of the key features in determining the value of physical gold assets. Everything depends on the rate of gold, its purity, the commercial grade.

For investment and value assessment, the purer a gold coin, bar or ingot is, the more it is worth. Purity is determined by a value known as karats.

For example, 99 percent pure gold is 24 karats, 75 percent gold is 18 karats, 50 percent gold is 12 karats and so on.

Among common Gold Jewelries, Gold Bars and Gold Coins, the highest purity is 99.99%

In the U.S., the Federal Trade commission strictly regulates the karat markings used in the country for nearly a century.

Since the mid-90s all of the smaller gold bars made by modern foundries have a high level of purity and weight accuracy.

There are a variety of ways to determine gold purity. One of the least expensive methods is the acid-scratch test. Our vendors use advanced techniques and latest machines with high precision in order to ensure its purity and quality. For most individual gold investors, an acid-scratch test will be sufficient.


Giuen Invest Management Ltd. (GMOL)

Stron House 100 Pall Mall
SW1Y 5EA London, UK
VAT: 07371355
Roger K. Olsson


Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Company at TripleClicks